Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We're Here!

Well we made it to Austin. We've had a few setbacks but overall the move went rather well. I didn't take any pictures of the actual move but I managed to take a few in our first week or so here. I'll use those to talk through our time here thus far.

Sherry and the girls came for one last Lufkin visit the day before we moved. The kids had a blast playing and Sherry was a huge help in packing up a few last things. Brooke had gone to town with Aaron during our little photo session & I didn't think to get one of the whole gang before they headed home.

The kids in their new rom with their new beds. Their beds ended up being a lot larger than we anticipated but they are enjoying their room nonetheless. Their room was also the first room to be decorated and I'll update with pics later on.

We had Bruce (Brusier), Kim and Ragan over for dinner our first Friday here and the kids quickly won them over. By the end of the night, they had convinced Ragan to read them a few books.

The kids' sleeping arrangements during our night without electricity (thanks again TXU). They were SO hot, SO tired and SO sweet!

The kids wrote their first words this week. Aidan's first word was actually "poop". He unintentionally wrote it while writing p's, o's and a's. A couple days later, he was writing "pa" on everything and I decided to see if he could write "poppa". Then of course Hannah wanted to try as well and did a great job too.

A couple days later, Aidan wowed me yet again. I was cleaning and he called me over to see that he had written "cat" all by himself on the chalkboard. Then he wanted to write "dog" as well. The kids LOVE a cartoon on PBS called Word World where all the animals and objects' bodies are made up of the letters that spell out what they are. When we were at Target a few days ago, we found these (see the dog on top of the easel) Word World animals on clearance. We bought the kids cat, cow, dog & pig and these toys are what prompted Aidan to write "dog" and "cat". He studied the letters on the toys for a bit and then walked over and wrote out the words on his easel. I was SO proud and really can't wait to start "school" at the end of August.

The kids also helped me with a little art/decor project. I had them paint little canvases which we then put their handprints and names on. I finished them off with a little black ribbon around the edges to hide the staples. I'll include finished pics when I do the house tour post.

We've had a busy couple of weeks between unpacking, shopping, decorating and getting settled and I am definitely looking forward to things slowing down a bit. The kids seem to love it here and have adjusted so well to the transtition. Our prayer now is that the Lord leads us to a good church home and that our family can be a light for Him in our new surroundings.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We love you Calvary!

Our SS class gave us a "send off" this morning following church. It was such a blessing to fellowship with loved ones one last time. We are leaving behind such a loving and generous family at Calvary but we know that God will direct us to a new church home full of loving people. Calvary will ALWAYS hold a special place in our hearts.

Hannah & Aidan with their Sunday School teacher Ms. Joyce. She and I have grown pretty close over the last 6 months and I'm not sure if us leaving is going to be harder on her or us.

Randy, Becky & Missouri (our pastor and his family)

Hannah refusing to tell Mr. Will goodbye. Hannah has ALWAYS played hard to get with Mr. Will and I think it's because she loves him so much.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Adios Lufkin

I figured I'd take the opportunity to blog one last time from Lufkin. Aaron will be home tonight, we'll hopefully spend most of tomorrow enjoying each other as a family, Sunday we'll have church and a going away type gathering afterwards, Monday we pick up the Uhaul and then Tuesday we load and head to Hutto.

I'm still not really sure how I feel about this whole thing. Part of me is excited, part of me is terrified and part of me is in complete denial. The kids seem to be coming around to the idea and Aaron really enjoyed his first week in his new job. I think I've been so focused on packing, cleaning and keeping it together for everyone that the reality hasn't had time to sink in.

To all of our loved ones here, we are going to miss you all terribly. It's hard to imagine not seeing your faces on a regular basis. Know we love you and our home is always open when you're ever in the Austin area. Thank you so much for all the love, support and encouragment you've offered us in the last 5 years.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Aaron's Send Off

This morning Aaron officially said goodbye to the folks at the Lufkin club. Leaving Lufkin is so bittersweet for us, terribly painful for Aaron and a lot harder on me than I thought it would be. Until a couple days ago, I didn't really consider how much the folks at 6202 mean to me and us as a family. These people have been there for us through so much. They showered us with love, prayers and support when our babies were born too soon. They have loved, supported and respected Aaron and welcomed the kids and I with open arms. They've become a part of our family that will always hold a special place in our hearts. They made Aaron's job so much easier and fun for him. Aaron was blessed to have team leaders who are faithful Christians. This morning we gathered together with them and they prayed over us and our transition to Austin. It was one of the most amazing moments I've experienced so far in my life. They selflessly lifted us up to the Lord and asked him to protect and guide our family in the coming months. It was a very special moment.

Aaron & Mike

The Cake

Aaron & Sherry
Aaron & Jack

Aaron & Robin

We love and will miss ya'll a ton!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our New House

Our mission to find a house this week was successful.


Kitchen/Dining Room

Living Room


Kids' Room

Backyard (checkers anyone?)

Guest Room/Office