Saturday, June 12, 2010

The beginning of my "stash"

When the twins were still infants, I was introduced to the modern version of cloth diapering but it wasn't really something we could afford to invest in at the time. Over the course of this pregnancy, I began to look into it again and finally decided to make the leap. There are SOOOO many options and it can be quite overwhelming but thankfully I have some wonderful online friends who helped me figure out which systems would work best for us. To be totally honest, we're doing this more for economical reasons than environmental ones. I FULLY intend on using flushable liners at least part time. ;) I have quite a stock of pampers and huggies so we'll use those for the first month or two and then gradually make the leap. The stash I have now is about enough to make it through a day or so but I'll continue to add here and there so that we eventually have enough to wash every 2 or 3 days.

These are our pockets....

And these are hybrid dipes that I'm anxious to try...

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