Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Sweet Surprise!!

Last night when Aaron got home, I was surprised with a huge FedEx box that had apparently been sitting in our front entry all day. Ooops! When I opened it, I found a beautifully arranged diaper wreath and a sweet letter from my best girlfriend. She has organized a baby shower via mail for me!! Since we don't live near family (or friends really), she took the time to get info from Aaron and contacted some of my family to set the whole thing up. I guess I'm not the best at showing my excitement or appreciation but this was such a sweet surprise and I am so very thankful for everyone involved. I've asked that she and Aaron not reveal any additional details to me (and for the record, not sharing details with your best bud is NOT easy haha) so that I can enjoy the blessings that are due to arrive on my doorstep this week. I'll keep this blog post updated with pictures of our blessings as they come in this week.

I'm not sure what I did to deserve such a wonderful, sweet, thoughtful friend but I am so thankful she's a part of our lives!! Love you Sherry Bob!!!

So to start things off.....


Blankets that Aaron's grandmother made for Sydney.

A close up of the blankets that she handstiched.

I also received a swaddle blanket from Aaron's aunt Tina.

This week as been so much fun!! I am so very grateful for all the goodies Sydney has been blessed with, most of which I've shared here. My mother in law and grandmother were kind enough to send us gift cards and cash as well. :) I'm so thankful to have a friend who would organize such a sweet idea and for all of those who took part. Thank you all so very much!!

1 comment:

  1. Those blankets are beautiful. Really absolutely beautiful.

    ~ Samantha (CMF)
