Sunday, March 22, 2009

God Made Families

The topic in Sunday School for the kids this morning was, "God Made Families". Their teacher (who we absolutely adore) stopped me after church this morning to tell me about their project for today and about how Aidan very meticulously drew his family. Of course I was proud but it wasn't until I actually saw his artwork that I realized how well he'd actually done. When I saw it I wanted to cry. I mean this joy parallels the way I felt watching him take his first steps. Of course I was proud of Hannah too. Apparently to her we're H's, Q's, E's and O's though. She's very much into writing letters right now.

I cannot describe the feeling in my heart when I hear the kids talk about God, His creation and the many other ways they've realized He impacts our lives. It is so important to us that the kids have a firm foundation in their faith and to see them really understand things at such a young age is just amazing. I've heard many people say that young children can't possibly understand God or much of anything about the Christian faith but I must disagree. Sure, Hannah and Aidan don't understand Salvation to the degree that Aaron and I do, but they DO understand that God is important and that He loves them. They are beginning to understand what prayer is as well. Hannah came up with this short prayer at bedtime a week or so ago and we were floored: "Thank you, God for Jesus and for praying with us. Very, very Amen." That prayer is how we know they "get it" and hearing it come from the mouth of a busy, beautiful 3 year old makes it even more precious.

And now the artwork:

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!!

    I just saw your comment about the giraffe. LOL! We go to the "animal safari" in Ohio every year. I love the giraffes.
