Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Vacation 2009

We leave Monday for our little vacation down South. I can't decide if I'm excited or anxious. I love that I won't have to cook a single meal the entire trip and that the kids will get to visit so many exciting places. I won't love the "we spent HOW MUCH?" guilt that I always experience after we take a trip or make a large purchase. I know, I know, just let go and have fun but it wouldn't matter if we were millionaires, I'd still question just about every dime I spent. I'm so thankful that we're able to take this family trip. It isn't a ritzy ski vacation or a trip to Disney but I'm thankful nonetheless. God is so good to us.

I remember the little 3 or 4 day roadtrips my mom and grandmother used to take my sisters and me on and how excited I was to see a new place. Undoubtedly mom was ALWAYS frustrated with me because I couldn't seem to find ANYTHING in the giganto malls we'd shop at. I guess that spending money guilt began back then. (Of course there was a lapse of conscience in college but that's another story.) I'm excited to take my kids to some of the same places we visited on those trips and experience things from a child's point of view again.

Monday morning we'll head to San Marcos to do some outlet mall shopping. The true purpose of this part of the trip is to find Aaron a pair of Ecco shoes for less than $200. Oh, and we have to visit the new Sam's there. WOOHOO!! That afternoon we'll continue on to San Antonio, grab some dinner and check into the hotel. Tuesday we'll be visiting the Children's Museum, the Alamo, Breckenridge Park and the Japanese Tea Garden. Wednesday Aaron wants to visit the Witte Museum and then give me a "tour" of San Antonio (where he lived as a kid, his old schools, etc). Then we'll hit the RiverWalk for a RiverTour and dinner at Rainforest Cafe. Thursday we'll head home thru Houston so we can make a stop at NASA and on the way. In case you're wondering, yes, my husband typed up an itinerary for the trip. He's also included "additional opportunities", restaurants and a couple malls as options for us. My children are going to be exhausted zombies by the time we get home but I know they are going to have a lot of fun.

I hope everyone has a great week!! Be prepared for pics when we get back!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name.
Psalm 100:4

I wanted to dedicate one day a week to counting my blessings. I think we get so caught up in the course of life that we sometimes forget to thank God for all the ways He is at work in our lives.

First of all, I'm thankful for my children and my husband. These three probably cause me the most grief but also bring me the most joy. I couldnt' imagine (nor do I want to) my life without them. I am thankful that God has allowed me the opportunity to stay home with my kids and take care of them and our home. I'm thankful for Aaron's job that keeps a roof over our head and food in our bellies. I'm thankful for our extended family who have loved and supported us even when they probably didn't want to. I'm thankful for friends who we generally consider part of the family. I am thankful for our church and that we have the opportunity to worship and sing praises to the Lord without fear of persecution. I am thankful for our health, which we've learned the hard way, is so very precious. Most importantly, I'm thankful that God sent His Son to suffer and die for my sins that I could live eternally.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

God Made Families

The topic in Sunday School for the kids this morning was, "God Made Families". Their teacher (who we absolutely adore) stopped me after church this morning to tell me about their project for today and about how Aidan very meticulously drew his family. Of course I was proud but it wasn't until I actually saw his artwork that I realized how well he'd actually done. When I saw it I wanted to cry. I mean this joy parallels the way I felt watching him take his first steps. Of course I was proud of Hannah too. Apparently to her we're H's, Q's, E's and O's though. She's very much into writing letters right now.

I cannot describe the feeling in my heart when I hear the kids talk about God, His creation and the many other ways they've realized He impacts our lives. It is so important to us that the kids have a firm foundation in their faith and to see them really understand things at such a young age is just amazing. I've heard many people say that young children can't possibly understand God or much of anything about the Christian faith but I must disagree. Sure, Hannah and Aidan don't understand Salvation to the degree that Aaron and I do, but they DO understand that God is important and that He loves them. They are beginning to understand what prayer is as well. Hannah came up with this short prayer at bedtime a week or so ago and we were floored: "Thank you, God for Jesus and for praying with us. Very, very Amen." That prayer is how we know they "get it" and hearing it come from the mouth of a busy, beautiful 3 year old makes it even more precious.

And now the artwork:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Favorite Time of Day

Bedtime is when my "me" time begins. It's also means that Aaron and I can discuss things without 46 "why's" thrown in. But that's not why it's my favorite time of day though. We have a routine at bedtime, most of which Aaron is in charge of; we bathe, brush teeth, potty, read a book, say prayers and get lots of big hugs and teenie tiny hugs, and then it's quiet. Well mostly. Lately Aaron has been the one that reads to them and although I'm a tad jealous, I just love hearing him reading Dr. Suess or a Bible story as the Hannah and Aidan listen inently. It's especially sweet to see them all snuggled up as Daddy rambles on. Tonight I walked by their bedroom during the story and decided to run and grab my camera. Of course I only managed to get one shot before they noticed me (darn flash) and I thought I'd share them.

My sweeties:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Easter Photo Shoot (Part 1)

A few pictures from part one of our Easter photo shoot. I'm hoping to get more later when the kids are more cooperative. I managed to get maybe 2 pictures of Hanni smiling but there were a few together shots I loved. I have really enjoyed my D60, it takes such great pictures and I spend a lot less time editing than I used to.

And away we go...

I've tried the blog thing more than once before and never could seem to stick with it. Lately, though, I've realized just how much I don't remember from the last couple years and figured what better way to document memories and share with others than with a blog. So hold on tight, here we go!